Services: PR, Influencer Marketing
The Goal:
With just a month until Ramadan, Saudia wanted a campaign targeting Muslims worldwide to promote the ProtecTasbih, the first sanitizing bead that cleans hands. The goal? Get everyone talking about it!
Our Approach:
To tackle this task, we crafted a solid launch strategy spanning UAE, KSA, UK, Africa, Malaysia, India, & Pakistan. Our game plan focused on strategic media relations through a press release and collaborating with both macro and micro influencers across these regions.
The Result:
In a flash, we were able to get 50+ macro and micro influencers across different regions on board for the campaign and to talk about the product. The product’s launch grabbed attention from 25+ media outlets in the region. The campaign won several awards at Dubai Lynx 2024 including Grand Prix and Bronze for PR.